Parenting is tough. Raising a kid is no mean feat! I mean, think of it – Ritwik is already 14 months old – he is at his naughtiest-best! And let me be honest, it sometimes drives us crazy!!

He is a total explorer – my fearless hero! Super-charged, super energetic..always on move!
I so wish he remains like that always. But wait – how can I wish for that, when I am the one dampening his spirits at times. Let me confess – in these 14 months so many times I might have stopped him from doing something, and said the big “NO”.

No Ritz, you can’t touch the you can’t have this plate..No you can’t fiddle with the phone…No we can’t take you out now…No you can’t touch dada’s specs..No you can’t play now, its nap time…..No. No. No…..”

I bet he must have heard “NO” a lot times more than a “YES”. It saddens me as I think of times we have been strict with him for no real reason!

My thoughts get interrupted as I look at my baby who is sleeping sound in his cot…he looks god-like…so beautiful…so charismatic…so happy..I question myself why pollute his clean, carefree mind with so much Negativity? Toddlerhood is a demanding phase. Agreed. But isn’t it also the most creative phase? So why dampen his happy spirits? Yes, we are trying to protect him by saying No…we are trying to discipline him by saying No….but can’t we do that by replacing the No with a YES? Can’t we let him be! Can’t we be more mindful of his overly-enthusiastic toddler-phase?

I believe in law of attraction and power of secret. I also believe in power of spoken words. I feel Optimism always wins over pessimism!  So why be unfair to my child?

I gently caress his forehead and give him a kiss. I promise myself to be more kind to him..more gentle..I promise myself to be more understanding and patient.

From now on the No’s will be limited and YES will be plentiful! Raised eyebrows will be replaced by limitless hugs and kisses…a Strong NO-NO will be replaced by a rational, logical explanation….and this in no way means that I am going to spoil pamper him (or let him get hurt). I am just trying to change my dialect – converting the NO’s to YES! Converting the negative to positive. I know, I know this is easier said than done. But hey, saying NO is not easy either. It drains me!

The house might get a tad bit more messier…my patience might get tested a wee bit more…but that’s ok!

Yes! I am going to (try) and be a YES-mom. Because YES definitely sounds better (cooler, nicer and more positive) than NO. Period.