Hello Moms

I am excited that I am finally going for a family vacation (long due!) and indulge in some digital detox whilst enjoying nature beauty, nothingness and just cutting off from the digital world for a bit! It always always always helps me “rejuvenate” myself so that once I am back I am more productive, positive & relaxed.

Before I sign off for my 10 day digital detox, I just wanted to talk to you very quickly about how important it is for us moms to take care of ourselves! And I just do not mean externally, but also internally – more like beauty – inside out!

Since three years now I have been writing articles and filming videos on early learning and Montessori inspired activities / lifestyle. But here is a little secret – before starting this wonderful journey I used to work as a Marketing Head with an international cosmetic brand. Having a post graduate degree in cosmetic and perfumery management, today I am excited to again go back to school (literally) and talk about something I majored in – skin care.

So when Himalayas approached me to write an article about skin care hacks for moms, I was excited.
I hope this article helps you to get back in groove, and for a change take care of yourself, too! Just click on the image below to read the full article.


P.S: I will see you all on 11th October. I have a special Tot Labs Diwali themed kit getting ready by then šŸ™‚

P.P.S: I have recently started a FB group which is an extension of my FB page, but much more than that! It is a little community of parents and educators from across the world, where we discuss about Montessori & Early Learning. Here is the link if you wish to join.

Stay Blessed,
