Parenting has its own sweet, funny, memorable moments….here are my fave 5 “oops” moments ๐Ÿ˜‰

#1: Oh, why did I buy that expensive toy for my (happy-to-play-with-anything) baby-
Infants and toddlers are not crazy about expensive toys (just yet), and there’s no point buying these, at least till they start expressing and talking. Here’s why I strongly feel so – last month we took Ritwik to a toy shop – there he went ga-ga and all excited over an expensive doll (a cute looking boy doll..almost as big as Ritwik’s size!). The “emotional” parents in us thought that we should buy it for our sonny boy – we also thought a name for this doll (Joey!), and started dreaming that Joey will be Ritwik’s most favorite play-time buddy (something like Toy Story!)..but after much contemplation and serious discussion we decided not to buy it (good thinking)!
Last week we again went to the same toy-shop and Ritwik again went super ga-ga over the same doll (sigh..Joey). This time without a second thought we bought that expensive doll. Ever since we got Joey home, Ritwik is least interested in playing with him! Joey is lying in one corner, unnoticed. So basically, lesson learned – don’t buy expensive toys for your babies. They will be just as happy with some kitchen spoons and bowls, or the likes!

#2: Oh, why did I think so much before finally becoming a cloth-diaper convert – I’m a first time mom, and though I did lot of research and also attended classes about breastfeeding and baby care, nobody here in India really advised me about Cloth Diapering. So I put my newborn baby on disposables and he got a bad nappy rash ๐Ÿ™ I switched to cloth for a month, and then again went back to disposables.Tch. Tch. My bad! It took me almost 8 months to do my own research (and math!) to figure out that cloth diapering is the best thing I can do for my baby! Ritwik is now exclusively a cloth diapered baby. So basically lesson learned – don’t get enticed by the ‘convenience’ factor of using disposable diapers – had I started cloth diapering my baby as a new born, I would have saved a lot more mullah and diaper-rash incidents ๐Ÿ™

#3: Oh, why did I not just stick to home-cooked meal for my tot – ย After I introduced banana as Ritwik’s first baby food, I gave into family pressure and put Ritwik on packaged baby cereals for a couple of weeks! I am not against them, but for some reason it just didn’t seem right! I mean the mere thought of giving packaged food with added preservatives to a tiny 6-month old infant got me thinking. Ritwik got severely constipated for that entire week, don’t know if that was due to the packaged baby food or something else…and I never really want to get into that debate..but I finally decided to stop outside food and give him only home-cooked, fresh, wholesome food- his poop became normal, and my motherly hormones felt divine to cook meals for him with the finest and healthiest of ingredients, fresh fruits and veggies, and oh yeah with lots of “mumma love” sprinkled on top! So basically lesson learned – feed your baby what you think is right for him.

#4: Oh, why did I stock up on so many clothes!
Yes I was super excited to dress up my cutsie since day-1. Result: I purchased more than he really needed ( and which he outgrew in no time!)
For the first two months Ritwik used to be swaddled for most of the time. So we did not even get a chance to show off the adorable rompers and the trendy jumpsuits! So basically lesson learned – as much as you really wish to indulge in some serious baby shopping, think twice especially during the new-born stage – infant stage!

#5: Oh, why did I dismiss my ‘maternal instincts’ not once, but several times! : As soon as I broke the “good news” to my pals and folks I started getting tons of free advice..the moment Ritwik was born, the degree of advice increased multi-fold! With due respect to all the ‘advisers’, I have over these months realized that “mumma knows the best”…well, don’t get me wrong, I am definitely not trying to brag motherhood. But I strongly feel a mother knows what’s the best thing for her child. So when it came to Ritwik’s diapering decision or food habits, there were few incidences where I listened to others, did not follow my maternal instincts and in the process did not really enjoy those “moments” where I doubted myself.. So basically lesson learned – live up your motherhood days..they are not gonna come back again and respect & listen to elder’s advise, but do it only if you “really” feel that its best for your baby! Go ahead with an honest, true style of parenting your kiddo – ย dress him /her up your way, nourish himher with wholesome food, let your baby and you be the best judge when it comes to breastfeeding, harness hisher super energy in a creative way, decide on what kind of diapering you want to go ahead with, take a call on his her potty training…LIVE UP every moment, b’coz trust me they grow up super quick and you don’t wanna regret later on missing out on these small parenting moments!

So that’s my list so far. I’m sure few more “Oops” moments will be added to this list sooner or later! We will see ๐Ÿ™‚ Till then, Happy Parenting!